1mm Wide Double Sided Layer Adhesive Sticky Tape Sticker for Mobile Phone ~ Glue LCD Display and Touch Screen Digitizer Glass ~ HTC HD Mini HD2 Desire Wildfire S EVO 4G 3D Desire Z T-MOBILE G2 Droid Incredible S Mytouch 4g 3g Thunderbolt Sensation

1 2 3 4 5


1mm wide Double Sided Adhesive Sticky Tape Glue Sticker For Mobile Phone can be used for iPhone 3 / iPhone 4 / HTC Thunderbolt 4G / Droid Incredible S / T-Mobile G2 can be used for Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Arc X12 / Samsung Galaxy S 2 SL ACE i9000 i9100 i9003 S5830

This item can be used for glue the LCD and touch screen together. This item can be used for: 1)HTC Touch Pro 2 Touch Diamond 2 II Touch HD T8282 BLACKSTONE Magic Hero HD2 T8585 Google G4 Tattoo Click G5 Google Nexus one 1 Desire G7 Google Bravo a8181 Wildfire A3333 G8 Legend A6363 Google G6 EVO 4G Desire HD A9191 HD7 DESIRE Z T-MOBILE G2 Droid Incredible 6300 Droid Eris Verizon 6200 7 Mozart 7 Trophy Mytouch 4g ARIA A6380 GLOSSY G9 HD Mini T5555 7 Surround Droid Incredible S MyTouch 3G SLIDE Wildfire S Thunderbolt 4G Incredible HD FreeStyle F8181 Sensation 4G ChaCha EVO 3D Evo Shift 4G Knight 2)Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Xperia X10 Mini Xperia X10 Mini Pro XPERIA Arc X12 Xperia Neo 3)Samsung Galaxy S i9000 Galaxy S 2 II i9100 Galaxy SL i9003 Nexus S i9020 Galaxy Ace S5830 4 more »

Price : $2.05
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Available Yes
Binding Wireless Phone Accessory
Brand CyberStyle
Color Grey
EAN 4895161908465
Label CyberStyle
Manufacturer CyberStyle
Model 1mm adhesive
MPN 1mm adhesive
PackageQuantity 1
PartNumber 1mm adhesive
ProductGroup Wireless
ProductTypeName ACCESSORY
Publisher CyberStyle
SKU 00846-MnAD1mmnnnnnnn
Studio CyberStyle
Title 1mm Wide Double Sided Layer Adhesive Sticky Tape Sticker for Mobile Phone ~ Glue LCD Display and Touch Screen Digitizer Glass ~ HTC HD Mini HD2 Desire Wildfire S EVO 4G 3D Desire Z T-MOBILE G2 Droid Incredible S Mytouch 4g 3g Thunderbolt Sensation
UPC 017838349102

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