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Sony MDR-AS20J/WHI Active Style Headphones with Soft Loop Hangers, White


Loop hangers helps prevent dropping off the ear So-Feet loop hangers for comfortable fitting Lightweight clip-on style (Vertical in the ear) 4-Feet cord Clip to secure the cord

The Sony MDR-AS20J Active Style Headphones make it easy to add a heart-pumping soundtrack to whatever you're doing. The lightweight headphones feature so-Feet loop hangers that fit comfortably around your ear and hold the earbuds securely in place. The clip-on design fits around the ear, where the 13.5mm driver units and neodymium magnets deliver powerful sound with outstanding bass performance. There's also a handy cord clip for unfettered activity. more »

Price : $39.95
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A very much OK score to order


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