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Motorcycle / Bike WATERPROOF Handlebar Mount for Magellan RoadMate 1210 1220 1340 1430 1440 Maestro 3100 3140 3200 3210 3220 3225 3250 4350 4370 GPS


Like to ride in the rain, but your GPS doesn't? No problem! This waterproof bike combo will keep your GPS dry. The mount fits handlebars from .75 to 1.5 inches in diameter. The case measures 5.5 x 3.5 x 1.7 internally. This means all 4.3 inch and 3.5 inch GPS units (that's 98% of the GPS market) will fit fine. The case is zipper shut and maintains a weatherproof seal. The lens permits human touch which means that your touch screen device will work fine when inside the case. Included are a set of foam inserts to help cushion smaller GPS units and get them snug against the film so it doesn't move around. The case and the mount are easily removed. The mount is attached using a heavy duty adjustable thumbscrew attachment. more »

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Available No
Binding Electronics
Brand Unknown
EAN 0609722603676
Label MFX2
Manufacturer MFX2
PackageQuantity 1
ProductGroup GPS or Navigation System
Publisher MFX2
Studio MFX2
Title Motorcycle / Bike WATERPROOF Handlebar Mount for Magellan RoadMate 1210 1220 1340 1430 1440 Maestro 3100 3140 3200 3210 3220 3225 3250 4350 4370 GPS
UPC 609722603676

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