Corel WordPerfect Office X6 Pro Upgrade

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Use Corel PDF Fusion to open, create, copy and edit a PDF without altering formatting. Increase office efficiency with Reveal Codes, Microsoft Explorer previewing and new multi-monitor support. Publish your own digital eBook and use the Corel Paradox database management system to work smarter and faster. It's all in WordPerfect, the ultimate office solution for today's fast-paced world. Work with extra tools for improved productivity and collaboration - Find the information and help you need using the WordPerfect Reference Center, plus take advantage of free BrainStorm training videos

For legendary control and compatibility, use Corel WordPerfect Office X6 Professional Edition, the office suite trusted by business and power users everywhere. Create high-caliber documents, spreadsheets, presentations and more. Work with over 60 file types, including the latest Microsoft Office formats. more »

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Available No
Binding CD-ROM
Brand Corel
EAN 0735163139587
Edition null
ESRBAgeRating Everyone
Format DVD-ROM
HardwarePlatform Pc
IsAutographed 0
IsMemorabilia 0
Label Corel
Manufacturer Corel
NumberOfItems 1
OperatingSystem Windows 8
PackageQuantity 1
ProductGroup Software
ProductTypeName SOFTWARE
Publisher Corel
ReleaseDate 2012-05-11
Studio Corel
Title Corel WordPerfect Office X6 Pro Upgrade [Old Version]
UPC 021111211260

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