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Decorative Protector Skin Decal Sticker for Play Station Vita(PSV), Item No.1180-53


Fine all-round protection High-tech plastic gum, without any traces after tearing. The appearance of the host won't be disturbed after pasting. Note: If there were some bubbles after pasting, the bubbles would dispear by themselves in 3 days. Notice: Usually shipped in 5 work days. 10-15 days for registered mail. To upgrade shipping, contact us immediately after ordering.

Scratch resistant skin sticker helps to protect your PSV while making an impression. Self-adhesive plastic-coated skins cover the are custom cut to perfectly fit the PSV. Skins are paper-thin so they do not add any bulk, easy to apply, durable and easily removable without any residue. more »

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Available No
Binding Electronics
Brand Pacers
EAN 0071729670454
HardwarePlatform sony psp
Label Pacers
Manufacturer Pacers
Platform PlayStation
ProductGroup CE
Publisher Pacers
Studio Pacers
Title Decorative Protector Skin Decal Sticker for Play Station Vita(PSV), Item No.1180-53
UPC 071729670454

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