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Generic Apple Mac Ac Power Adapter Us Wall Plug Duck Head For Ibook/Iphone/Ipod


The 60 Watt Mag Safe Power Adapter features a magnetic DC connector the magnetic DC helps guide the plug into the system for a quick and secure connection When the connection is secure, an LED located at the head of the DC connector will light an amber light lets you know that your portable is charging, while a green light tells you that you have a full charge An AC cord is provided with the adapter for maximum cord length

Product Features Apple Mac Ac Power Adapter Us Wall Plug Duck Head for Ibook Iphone IpodShipping Weight: 0.6 ounces Product Description The 60 Watt MagSafe Power Adapter features a magnetic DC connector that ensures your power cable will disconnect if it experiences undue strain and helps prevent fraying or weakening of the cables over time. In addition, the magnetic DC helps guide the plug into the system for a quick and secure connection.When the connection is secure, an LED located at the head of the DC connector will light; an amber light lets you know that your portable is charging, while a green light tells you that you have a full charge. An AC cord is provided with the adapter for maximum cord length, while the AC wall adapter (also provided) gives users an even easier and more compact way to travel. more »

Price : $2.12
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Available Yes
Binding Wireless Phone Accessory
Brand Generic
Color White
EAN 0799456396811
Feature Generic Apple Mac Ac Power Adapter Us Wall Plug Duck Head For Ibook/Iphone/Ipod
Label Generic
Manufacturer Generic
Model AP-A08
PackageQuantity 1
PartNumber GOODFIRE 1.0
ProductGroup Wireless
Publisher Generic
Studio Generic
Title Generic Apple Mac Ac Power Adapter Us Wall Plug Duck Head For Ibook/Iphone/Ipod
UPC 799456396811

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