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GW Security GW726B 1/3-Inch Sony CCD Vandalproof Indoor Dome Surveillance Security Camera – 520TVL, 26 IR LED, 3.6mm Lens


520 TV lines ; 0 Lux minimum illumination ; Wide angle lens Auto Gain Control (AGC): Build-in auto gain control (AGC) circuit. The color camera can get high definition picture in low Lux condition Auto Electronic Shutter (AES): Built-in auto electronic shutter function. The color camera's AES speed can reach 1/100,000s Gama Characteristic:0.45

Waterproof Outdoor or Indoor Camera more »

Price : $65.00
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Available Yes
Binding Electronics
Brand GW Security Inc
Color None
EAN 9241056405673
Label GW Security Inc
Manufacturer GW Security Inc
Model GW726B
PackageQuantity 1
PartNumber GW726B
ProductGroup Photography
Publisher GW Security Inc
Studio GW Security Inc
Title GW Security Waterproof Vandalproof Outdoor or Indoor Dome Security Camera - 700TVL, 24 IR LED, 3.6mm Len for Wide Angle View

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