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ioSafe Rugged Portable 1 TB USB 3.0 External Hard Drive (PA51000U1YR)


Crush resistant to up to 5000 lbs (Ti) and 2500 lbs (Al) Full suspension in all six axes of motion. Full immersion in diesel fuel, oils, hydraulic fluids, aircraft fuels Continuous exposure to UV, blowing sand, blowing dust, rain, salt fog, icing or freezing rain Protects data from flood, full submersion, 10 ft depth,72 hours fresh or salt water

ioSafe Inc Rugged Portable 1TBRugged Portable 1TB. 1YR DRS, WATERPROOF, USB 3.0 more »

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Available No
Binding Personal Computers
Brand ioSafe
Color Silver
EAN 8165190100922
IsAutographed 0
IsEligibleForTradeIn 1
IsMemorabilia 0
Label iOSAT
Manufacturer iOSAT
Model PA51000U1YR
PackageQuantity 1
PartNumber PA51000U1YR
ProductGroup CE
Publisher iOSAT
Size 1 TB
Studio iOSAT
Title ioSafe Rugged Portable 1 TB USB 3.0 External Hard Drive (PA51000U1YR)
UPC 816519010092

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