Microsoft QVA-00001 Silver 5 Buttons Tilt Wheel USB 2.4 GHz Wireless Laser Mo…

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Brand:MICROSOFT MPN:QVA-00001 Interface:USB Type:Wireless Optical Mouse Type 1:Laser Mouse

Enjoy unprecedented precision with a mouse as powerful as it is comfortable to use. Navigate Web pages and documents more quickly, and easily enlarge and edit details. more »

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Available No
Binding Electronics
Brand Microsoft
Department Wireless Mice
EAN 0844660061755
Label Microsoft
Manufacturer Microsoft
Model QVA-00001
MPN QVA-00001
PartNumber QVA-00001
ProductGroup PC Accessory
Publisher Microsoft
SKU 6175-MP
Studio Microsoft
Title Microsoft QVA-00001 Silver 5 Buttons Tilt Wheel USB 2.4 GHz Wireless Laser Mo...
UPC 844660061755

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