Mobile Storage Solution 2.5″ SATA Hard Drive Enclosure with USB 2.0 + FireWire 1394 ports

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Hard disk drive enclosure for 2.5" SATA drives Offers USB 2.0, FireWire ports Powered by USB port, requires 2 free USB ports for use (one for power, one for data) Features FireWire IEEE 1394 6-circuit and 4-circuit port Includes enclosure, USB to DC power cable, USB to mini-USB data cable, 1394 6-circuit plug cable, carrying case, and screwdriver

Access your data your way with a hard drive enclosure featuring multiple types of interfaces. This enclosure is designed for 2.5" SATA hard drives, and features both FireWire and USB ports externally. Connect the enclosure to your computer with either a USB 2.0 cable (included), a FireWire 6-circuit cable (included), or a FireWire 4-circuit cable (not included). Specs: Internal SATA - 1.5Gbps, Supports PIO and DMA modes, Compliant with serial ATA 1.0 specification, Ultra ATA/133 parallel interface External USB - USB 2.0, backwards compatible with 1.1, supports up to 480Mbps data transfer (12 Mbps at 1.1), high performance ATA/66 transfers, hot swappable, mini Type B port External FireWire - Supports PIO Mode 0-4, DMA Mode 0-2, Ultra DMA Mode 0-4, high performance ATA/66 transfers, 6-circuit and mini 4-circuit ports more »

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Available No
Binding Personal Computers
Brand HDE
EAN 0797734230154
Label HDE
Manufacturer HDE
PartNumber HDEE22NEW
ProductGroup PC Accessory
ProductTypeName COMPUTER
Publisher HDE
Studio HDE
Title Mobile Storage Solution 2.5" SATA Hard Drive Enclosure with USB 2.0 + FireWire 1394 ports
UPC 797734230154

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