Tooya Pro Graphics Tablet (Windows/Mac)

1 2 3 4 5


Write or draw digitally with this digital graphic tablet Compatible with large monitors without distortion problems Ergonomically designed pen has 1024 levels of pressure sensitivity 2000 lpi resolution One-year limited manufacturer's warranty

TOOYA combines flexibility, high pressure sensitivity and excellent quality. It has a wide active area (10x6.25) design so that you can use it with your wide screen monitor without distortion problems. And Windows® Vista¿ supports pen features such as note taking, handwriting recognition, and gesture recognition to give you the result you want quickly and easily. Extremely slim and light, the TOOYA PRO has a stylish design that fits elegantly in any home or office. With its ergonomic design, TOOYA PRO gives you the most comfort while working on the projects. TOOYA PRO is not only a tablet¿it also serves as a mouse pad. It gives you the best graphic performance for your professional design with 2000 lpi resolution and 1024 level of pen pressure sensitivity. [ Hardware more »

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Available No
Binding Personal Computers
Brand PenPower
EAN 4710837758307
Format CD-ROM
HardwarePlatform Mac
Label Penpower Inc.
LegalDisclaimer Manufacturers warranty All Software ProductUnopened software can be exchanged within 15 days of the invoice date. Opened software will not be accepted for return.
Manufacturer Penpower Inc.
Model Tooya Pro
MPN Tooya Pro
NumberOfItems 1
OperatingSystem Macintosh
PackageQuantity 1
PartNumber Tooya Pro
ProductGroup CE
ProductTypeName COMPUTER
Publisher Penpower Inc.
Studio Penpower Inc.
Title Tooya Pro Graphics Tablet (Windows/Mac)
Warranty 1 year manufacturer warranty

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