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WD WDSL00S IcePack 2.5″ to 3.5″ SATA Hard Drive Mounting Kit Frame w/Heatsink -SSD and 2.5″ HDD


Works for any 2.5" hard drives Heat sink cooling system Field-proven design SATA Connectivity Convert 2.5" hard drives to 3.5" hard drives

Western Digital IcePack 2.5inch to 3.5-inch Hard Drive Heatsink Mounting Frames WDSL00 converts your 2.5-inch hard drive or SSD to a 3.5-inch hard drive. This backplane-ready 3.5-inch enterpriseclass mounting frame with a built-in heat sink keeps your 2.5-inch SATA hard drive or solid state drive extra cool and secure when installed in high-performance desktop chassis. more »

Price : $23.99
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Available Yes
Binding Electronics
Brand Western Digital
EAN 8678453575110
Label Western Digital
Manufacturer Western Digital
Model WDSL00S
PackageQuantity 1
PartNumber WDSL00S
ProductGroup PC Accessory
Publisher Western Digital
Studio Western Digital
Title WD WDSL00S IcePack 2.5" to 3.5" SATA Hard Drive Mounting Kit Frame w/Heatsink -SSD & 2.5" HDD

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